I think you all can tell I got tired at this at the end! Or mostly generation 13-14 or something like that. There wasn't much to do.
But except for that, I loved to play this challenge! There were so much to do and I love to play so the sims seems like real people. I've read a lot of amazing legacies through my sims-playing years, so I took some of those.
This was my first complete legacy ever, and even though I had to reinstall some mods, move a couple of times and uninstall two of my expantionspack to keep it going through 15 generations, it was really fun.
I've only played to generation 6 before this. After 6 the game always crashed or I got really tired of the family.
I didn't get tired now until generation 13. Sadly it became much funnier to play again in generation 15, when it just was about to end. But eh, that's life.
I hope you enjoyed!!!
Bye and thank you so much to all who read my little legacy! ^^ <3