A few years went by and both my parents became greyhaired. Me and my sister became 18 and we were ready to move out. Or atleast I wanted to move, but that was impossible for me so far. None of my parents wanted to spend money on a house for me.
So I just had to work so hard I could.
I got a place in the business career (challenge) and I was so happy over that.
That weekend after my first week at my new job, I took a cab to the spring festival. It was pouring rain outside my whatever! I deserved some fun, right?
I met an old friend on the spring festival. And yep, you heard me! An old friend!
It was Nolan! The guy in the hot dog costume on the halloween party my parents had a few years ago!
It was hard to recognize him without the hot dog costume though.
We talked and laughed at things that had happened since we last seen. We laughed especially at the hot dog costume.
After we've been talking for a few minutes, walked he away to the bathroom.
I turned around and saw...
an easter egg!
Happiness and childishness spread in my stomach and I rose to the egg and picked it up from the ground.
I opened it and could just eat the last of the chocolate, that was in the egg, before Nolan came back.
He laughed at me when he saw that my mouth were full of chocolate and I tried to smile as an excuse.
After I had swallowed, did I ask Nolan if he wanted to throw horseshoes with me. And he wanted to do that.
We walked away to the horseshoe throwing court and I started.
But I also missed...
Nolan laughed at me.
"Haha silly, this is how it should be done!" he said and took a horseshoe and stood in a throwing position.
He throwed the horseshoe and...
"Haha, I see, that's exactly how it should be done!" I laughed.
He pretended to be mad at me laughing but it ended up with him laughing too.
After a few hours I was soaking wet.
"I think I'll have to go home..." I said even though I didn't want to.
Nolan just nodded sadly and throwed another horseshoe at the post. "Well, I'll see you soon, right?"
"Yes, of course!" I smiled. I stood there a few minutes and watched as he threw horseshoes. He was so cute, with his chocolate brown hair, skin and eyes. He was like a big chocolatecake. I almost beginning to think I had a little crush on him.
"Are you going to stand there all day?" Nolan broke the silence. "I thought that you were going to get home." He grinned at me.
"All right. Good night then!" I said with a smile playing on my lips.
The first thing I did when I got home was checking our mailbox.
There were only bills and a few of the books my mom had written.
But I found one book that caught my attention. "Why you should never get twins by Annie Bookworm".
I stared at the book. What. The. F*ck.
I walked to the couch in the living room and began to read. Everything in the book was telling that I was the stupid and odd daughter and Clementine was the perfect one. No names were mentioned but I understood that it was so. She was very good at describing people, my mother.
"What are you reading, sis?"
I winced and closed the book as fast as I could. I looked up and saw my sister in her old graduation clothes and a silly hat with ears.
"What are you reading, I asked." Clementine repeated.
She sat down beside me on the couch and I hid the book against the armrest of the couch.
"Nothing.." I said.
She caught my eye and frowned. "Well, if it was nothing, you wouldn't be hiding it."
To get her to think of anything else, I changed the subject.
Luckily for me, she was easily distracted.
After we had talked about our old school for a few minutes, she went to the bathroom and I went to bed.
I didn't sleep well that night.
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