Daisy soon graduated and oh my god, she was beautiful!
I wished I looked like her!
About one year later, she moved to Bridgeport. She wished me good luck in my life and the last thing she did was to give me a kiss on my forehead. I will miss my sister, but I'll probably see her again soon!
I also became older. But I hated my face. I looked like dad.
I wanted to be beautiful like Daisy and mom...
And now I slept in a level bed, below Rose... It was like a nightmare.
And I started to exercise. I had a dream about working in the army. But whenever I told dad or Rose this, they just laughed at me, and told me I would never be strong enough for that.
But they'll see!
Well... I had a long time before I was in the army. I lost count on how many times I slipped and fell on that damn thing.
One evening, when I came home from being at the gym - that was the only place no one laughed at me when I fell, because everyone fell - it was very quiet. I couldn't see mom, dad OR my sister anywhere.
"Hello?" I shouted.
"Oh you're home." I heard my sister say from the bathroom. "Wait there a minute, I'll come out."
"Eh... okay? Has something happened?"
She didn't answer me, so I just sat down in the couch.
10 minutes later, she walked out the door, in her pink bathrobe.
"We're home alone!" she said with a lot of excitement in her voice. "Our parent's are on vacation, they got some two tickets vacation from mom's workplace! And they left us home alone!!!"
"Wowowow..." I said. "You and... me... home alone?.."
I didn't even dare to think about what she would force me to do...
"Don't you worry, princess. I'm going to throw a party tomorrow night with my best friends, and YOU are not invited. I don't want you in the house, understood?"
I was immediately relieved. "Oh I won't be in the house, I promise."
"Good choise, my dear friend. Good choise."
The next night I went to the gym instead. I didn't even want to be home with a lot of Rose's friends there.
But when the clock was about 10PM I took a cab home. The first thing I saw outside our house, was a police car.
Oh shit, what have they done?!
I met the police and all the party guests at the door, and when I came in I saw an angry Rose.
"You little creep, you called the cop!" she shouted and glared at me.
"What? No, I didn't!" I said. "I got surprised myself then I saw the car on the outside."
"Yeah, you got surprised they got here so fast!"
"I would never call the police! I didn't even care about your party!" I said.
"Of course you didn't." her voice was suddenly soft and that scared me even more than when she was shouting at me... "You would of course never do such a thing. What was I thinking with?! You're always that little perfect girl..."
I felt how my eyes went bigger and bigger. Wha.."
"That's why you actually CALLED the cops!" she cut me off. "Because no one would ever blame you! Mom and dad are here in any second and they will punish me! They never punish you because you're a human! Do you know how unfair that is!?"
"It's not my fault they..." I began but then..
She bitchslapped me! Her hand slapped my face. HARD. It did actually hurt and I couldn't feel my cheek for a few seconds.
"I didn't even get to talk to point!" I screamed. "That's not fair!"
"Nothing is fair in this family, and I've learned that the hard way!"
Then another fist fight broke out. The second one in my life, and with the same person. But this time, it was Rose who started it.
But just in that moment, dad rushed in. "STOP!" he shouted.
And we stopped. Both staring at our father, who was staring back at us.
And then like always, Rose got the punishment, and I just got a 'warning'...
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