Saturday, May 25, 2013

FEGG - G8 - Cosmo - Chapter 1

 My parents started fighting.
I never knew why they did, I just heard them yell and fight eachothers day in and day out.
It scared me.

 I started to believe it was really serious. What I heard, dad had met someone new.
And let's just say, mom wasn't that happy about it.

Hopefully, they would stop fighting soon, and realise how much they loved eachothers.

 But one day, when I looked out of the window, I saw my mom and her best friend, Tom Wordy.
Mom cried and Tom comforted her.
I don't know how long I just stared at them. My heart had stopped and I didn't breath. What did this mean?
I had never seen mom cry before...

Just about two hours later, mom walked upstairs to me.

"We're going to move." she said.
I just stared at her. I didn't say anything. I saw this coming since the first day mom and dad started yelling at eachothers.
"Where?" I asked.
"We're moving in with Tom."

 And that was what we did.
Into a big, expensive house, with a hot tub, pool and a sauna. We even had a butler.
That was what I should have thought. But I didn't.

 After the years went by, I couldn't stop missing my dad.
Mom and Tom were a couple now, and they cared about me as little as before.

 I had insomnia och I could lay all night, just crying about my lonlieness.

 Sometimes I spent the while nights in the mud bath.

That was the only time I could rest. It was nice.

 And I had never seen mom love anyone as much as she loved Tom.

But it didn't made me happy. I just felt disgusted. Tom was way older than mom was.

 And Tom hated me. He thought I was some creep, just eating their food and using their bathtubs.
He always shouted at me for standing in the way or something stupid like that.
He could even beat me sometimes. And mom didn't care, of course. She never did.

I regret that I didn't stay with dad.

But one thing I loved, was my room.
I had a lot of romantic books and I just had the best room ever. It was so much better than that one I had as a kid.
That was the best thing with my new life.

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