Friday, July 5, 2013

FEGG - G10 - Sebastian - Chapter 1

 Sheila and mom whispered and joked a lot lately. Neither Bryan or I knew why. They were like two teenagers.

 And they were so excited about the baby. Even more excited than Bryan, if that's even possible.

 But the months passed by and he started to get bored by waiting, so instead of following aunt Sheila everywhere, he played with me.

 One thing we did a lot was pillowfighting.

 Since we saw it on TV, we found out how fun it was. But is was usually girls who pillowfighted on TV, so we never told anyone in our class.

We didn't want to be called "those little girls" for the rest of our lives!

 The best part was, you could hit hard as possible, and it didn't even hurt! Only if you hit the pillow on the wrong way.

 I actually got the edge of the pillow in my eye one time. My eye went red, and stayed that way for the rest of the following two days.

 But it was just fun, because Bryan and I fooled the other kids that I went into a fight with one of the guys in high school! And they believed it!

 Bryan really was my best friend. I loved him like my brother.

 And thanks to pillowfighting, the months passed really fast.

One night, aunt Sheila went to the hospital, and just two days later she came home with Bryan's little sister Maribel!

We were of course disappointed it wasn't a boy, but it was fun anyway!

 As soon as Maribel got to our home, we wanted to play with her. Hide and seek, video games, cars or robots and other toys.

Aunt Sheila said she was too young. 

But we didn't give up, we showered toys in her crib and showed her how to play, but she just slept or cried when we did that.

 It took about a YEAR before she finally started to play with our toys.

But she totally didn't know how to do, because she just throwed them away and clapped her hands and laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

Both Bryan and I gave up then, that kid was stupid. Which normal kid doesn't know how to play with toys?!

 Forget about Maribel. Mom otherwise, it was something with her.

I realised that when she one day came home, and her hair was a lot shorter.

"Mom, what happened to your hair?" I asked when I saw her. It looked like always, but just... shorter.

She smiled tired at me. "I felt like cutting it. Does it look bad honey?"

 I looked down at my homework. "No, I was just surprised." I mumbled.

I could feel her look at me. Mom had been so sad lately, but I didn't know why.

 Maybe it was because of my dad never paying attention too her.

I honestly didn't like my father. He was never home anymore, and when he was, he just read his stupid cook books.

I understood mom if it was dad she was sad of.

 Soon Maribel started school.

 When she finally started to play with toys, Bryan and I stopped.

 But she was fun anyway. You could see in her face that she was a happy kid. Always wanting to do new stuff and go on adventures.

 Compared to me, she even seemed to enjoy school AND homework!

Lucky child.

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