Sunday, July 21, 2013

FEGG - G12 - Spencer - Prologue

 Spencer is my name. I live in a house with my parents, and my moms best friend Terri and her family.

 Terri has a son who is just as old as me. And I really mean, just as old. We were born on the same day.

But to be honest, I just thought he was annoying. He always begged for attention, and he had a big crush on me, and followed me everywhere.

 Only place I could be alone, was either the library or the bookstore. 

If he knew I went there, he would probably follow me there, but yet nobody knew where I went.

 Compared to my mother, I loved to read. I read all books I could get. Didn't matter if they were fiction or biographies or comedy. I read everything.

 Mom didn't understand me, since she never ever had read a book in her life. She just watched TV all days.

"It's so much easier. And you don't have to imagine the pictures in your head, you can just see them all on a big screen. I don't understand how you can read that much." she used to say when she saw me reading in the couch or somewhere else.

But she loved me anyway. I knew that.

 I'd even tried to write my own book. "The Pink Pig". But it wasn't like reading at all. I couldn't get a picture in my head of what would happen to that pink pig. But yet, I could sit hours, writing and erasing.

Since I loved reading so much, I also enjoyed school. Especially when we got to read in front of the class. 

I didn't have that much friends, but that didn't matter at all.

I just brought a book with me to school, and then I had a whole new world to be in while the other kids played outside.


Generation 12: All Genres
"I love reading so much, I just want to read EVERYTHING!"
Your parents weren't really into reading, but you had somehow developed a passion for it. You had a vast knowledge of well, pretty much about everything almost. You were never understood by your parents, they always told you to "shut the book and watch the telly, you ungrateful thing." Of course you defied them and read and read and read.

Be a bookworm
Marry someone you met in the Library
Have a minimum of two kids
Write a book before you die
Read atleast 1 book of every genre
Name your kids after characters in ANY book genre

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