Friday, April 5, 2013

FEGG - G3 - Sora - Chapter 2

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was to check if Lovis was still here. She was.

 After that I started to search if there was a way to make Lovis visible for my parents. I hadn't time for reading science books so I tested my way. 

 Sometimes, explosions happened, but Lovis was always there to give me a hug.

 One day when I stood there, I suddenly heard a strange noise.

 I turned around and saw an alien!

 In my curiosity, I ran there to greet him.

 I even invited him! (it was late so my parents slept.) And I showed him my scout badges.

 It was so amazing! I had heard about aliens in my school, but I had never met or seen one before. And now he stood in my kitchen!
We talked about a lot, and I asked him about his home planet.

 But suddenly, the door to my parents room opened, and my mother stepped out.

 The alien turned around and fled out throught the door.

"What in the whole... Sora, what was that?!" mom shouted.

I didn't say anything, I just went to bed.

 The following day, I dressed up as an alien. Just for fun.

 But anyway, I kept on trying to make something that could make Lovis visible. I atleast made a stink-juice, or something like that.

And day and night, Lovis stood there, by my side, watching and kept me company. 

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