The next morning I was awakened by the phone ringing. I yawned, and reached for my phone.
"Hello?" I yawned.
"Skype? Hi!" it was a familiar voice, but I couldn't think of who it was.
"Yeah? Who is it?" I asked.
"It's Jun. Jun Xu. I've seen you a few times in the park and the pub. I'm wondering if you would like to go on a date with me... Today...?"
I was surprised. I knew who Jun was. She was my sister's boss, but I had no idea that she liked me. "Ehm, yeah! Why not!"
A few hours later I met Jun in the city, outside of the bookstore.
I held up my hand. "Hi there!"
She smiled at me.
"I'm glad you came!" she said.
"Well of course I did! Who could deny to go on a date with a pretty woman like you?" I said and smiled back at her.
I could see her cheeks getting redder.
"By the way, I bought these for you!" I said and picked up a bouquet yellow roses.
"Oh my!" she said and stared at the bouquet. "Thank you! You really didn't have to!"
I laughed. "It's a bouquet of flowers, not a wedding ring."
"But still!" she said and gave me a hug.
I laughed a little more and hugged her back.
Then suddenly the hug grew into something more...
I don't know how it happened. But it did. And I liked it more than I could ever imagine.
We sat down on the nearest bench.
But honestly, that wasn't enough... So we decided to search up nearest elevator instead, for some privacy.
But the guard in the building was suspicious.
Barry and I had texted in a few weeks now, but we hadn't seen each other since the pub.
So one day I called him.
"Can't we meet at the park? I want to se you again."
And one hour later I met him at the park, as we said.
As that time before, we talked a lot. We talked about everything. It was so easy to talk with him about stuff.
And for the first time in my life I purchased fast food from the fast food cart.
A taco. And it was delicious.
Meanwhile I was eating my taco, Barry had joined a hot dog contest.
But he lost.
"Aww Barry!" I shouted at him. "You could have done better!"
He came up to me.
"I was at least in the contest" he smiled.
"I was in a hot dog contest once before, with my brother. Since I have never eaten a hot dog, so no thanks!" I said.
"Is that so?" he asked.
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