This is me. Sora Bookworm. I'm a kid who believes in magic and play with my doll, Lovis, every day after school.
I love to read fantasy books. All kind of fantasy books. It's so wonderful to read about magic and you never know what'll happen! A talking lion, a dragon, dwarves, anything!
I think it's amazing!
My daddy also reads books. Not fantasy, but he reads a lot. He and I usually sit and read together. We don't talk much, but it's nice with a company.
My mother, otherwise, hates that I'm reading fantasy books. She always complain to me about that.
"Sora, why are you reading those silly fantasy books, you'll just get stupid dreams!" "Sora, not those books again! You'll be brainwashed by them!"
She can go on and on and on about reasons why I shouldn't read fantasy books.
But compared with how she was as a kid (dad told me about her childhood for a few years ago), I disagree with her. I'm complaining back and defend my books.
"Sora, why can't you just read one of my biography books, if you just give them a chance, you'll like them you'll see!" she tries and her eyes are now hurt.
"No, mom! I won't!" I say. "If you give my books a chance, you'll like them too!"
My mother snorts. "I don't think so, silly boy."
Then I get angry. "It's you who are silly mom! You don't even try!"
My dad gets up from the armchair.
"Sora!" he say loud. "Stop it now! You're just making everything worse!"
My mother are nodding and agree with him.
Tired and sad I walk to the corner of the room and sit down to play with Lovis. I can hear my parents making out in the other side of the room. It disgusts me. Well, I'm lucky I have Lovis...
Generation 3 ladies and gentlemen!
Generation 3: Fantasy
"I hated biographies, end of story."
Your mom's biography only rule led you to sneak into the fantasy books to get a glimpse of the make believe world unknown to you. Sure they weren't true or anything, but you got so tired of the dullness of those biographies day after day after day.
Daydreaming and fantasy books were your only vent.
Have absent-minded trait.
Have bad relationship with mom because she was always yelling at you for daydreaming and reading fantasy books.
Need to have more than one kid.
Married to whoever, it's not like you really mind WHO you marry. As long as he/she can put up with your daydreaming.
"Fantasy always interested me because I wanted to escape the reality of real life."
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