I moved to the marshlands. Into a very small house. I don't know about you, but I loved it. It was so cozy, not a house for a big family, but I didn't really care about that either.
And I got my own telescope!
But I was very bored at home so I often drove to the park just to do something and meet people.
A few days later, when I was home bored, I decided to take a ride around the town in my car. It must have been one of the best things I came up with that day, because I found a house where there was a party going on!
It was a pool party and when I stepped out of my car, they welcomed me and the house owner even borrowed me a bikini!
I changed to the bikini and walked out on the balcony. There stood a pale man.
"Hi there," I said and studied him. He was all white! Maybe he was albino?
"Well hello!" he said. "I didn't know you were familiar with these people."
"I'm not.." I said and smiled apologetically. "I actually just drove past and saw that there was a party... And they welcomed me."
He grinned. "You're forgiven. I'm Goodwin. Goodwin Goode." he held out his hand and I took it.
"I'm Cece." I said.
I found out that Goodwin was good friends with the people who lived in this house. And even if I had lived here almost whole my life, he had never heard of me before.
But it was something special with him. But I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Or well, he was pale and had white hair and glowing eyes, but I wanted to know why. I was too afraid to ask.
Suddenly a tattooed girl rushed out the door. She glared at me.
"Goodwin, we need to talk to you." she said.
"And I think it's time for you to return that bikini now, Jenni won't be happy if it's gone too long. Then you can walk home." she continued turned to me.
"O-okej.." I said, confused.
Later that evening, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw that tattooed girl from before. She still wore her bikini.
"You." she said. "Leave Goodwin and Jenni alone! What are you thinking with, woman? No one of us don't even know you, you can't just come to Jenni's party anyhow! And absolutely not flirt with her boyfriend!?"
"Calm down!" I said. "I was actally welcomed there! Or atleast, this Jenni said that! And I didn't flirt with Goodwin, I promise!"
"Anybody could see that it was exactly what you were doing!"
"But I didn't!" I said. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to sleep. It's late. And I think it's your time to go right now." I said, turned around and slammed the door behind me.
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