This is me. Sapphire Bookworm.
I live in a big family and I love my siblings with all my heart. My parents too of course.
But compared to my parents, or at least my father, I don't read. I've never read a book. I don't like it. Especially in dad's fantasy books, the character's sometimes die! That's horrible, I think!
But my parents don't blame me for not reading. They don't care. As long as my dad can read his books.
Well, and now to my family. That's my mother, Lovis, to the left. She was a doll when she was a kid. Or that's what they've always told me. I don't really know if I believe them... I mean... a doll?
The boy to the right is my big brother, Theodor. He is the nicest person I know. He's always listening to what I have to say and he are nice to every kind of people!
And here's my father! The brunet, of course. He's the one that loves fantasy and magic.
And the little kid he holds, is my little brother, the youngest in my family, Jake.
And here's my other big brother, Skype. He's always plays with me and is like a best friend for me!
And the last one in my family is Rosette. She's so cute!
So you know, I'm the "middle child". And so far, I love it!!!
Generation 4: Medical Journals
"I hate death."
In your parent's fantasy books the characters sometimes died. Always since you were small you had despised death and sickness. You instead wanted to make people well so there would be less of a chance of them dying young.
Be in the Medical Career
Have atleast 1 kid
Read only your medical journals that you get at work
All the traits necessary for Medical Career (genius)
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