Since I had met that alien when I was a kid, I bought a telescope to see if I could see an UFO or something in the night sky.
Lovis morning sickness had began. Even though we didn't have any money to expand our house...
She came to me one morning.
"Uhm... Sora... well you see..." she began.
"I'm pregnant... and we don't have any money..."
"I guessed already that you were pregnant." I said. "But don't worry, I'll make some money. Searching for stars and planets at night and working in the supermarket at daytime, will make us enough money to atleast expand."
"That's good that some of us believe in that..." Lovis said with a sad smile.
I hugged her. "Yeah, it's great to have dreams."
And dreams she had. The only thing, except eating, Lovis did was to sleep. But I guess that's good for the baby...
After a few months her belly was bigger than a basketball.
And the months passed and when she finally was in labour, we still had no money...
Anyway, I drove her to the hospital.
The next day we came home with a little baby boy. We named him Theodor and he's insane and he loves the heat.
And we loved our little baby boy.
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